As a youngster, I would get home from School, get changed and go out to play with my pals.
Now I'm older, I get home from work, get changed and go out to play with my pals, but now I call it training.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


That's the best word to sum up todays training.

I took the dogs for a run around the 6mile River Eden circuit. We found an orange bouncy ball in a field and all had great fun with it thereafter. Running was very easy pace and never for longer than two minutes between stopping to throw the ball or paddle/get a drink.

Afterwards my pal Stu was round to give me a leg rub. Couple of tight spots needed ironed out but it was generally quite relaxing. I like to get a proper sports massage every month or so, it helps to identify any problem areas that I may not feel myself when running and might prevent an injury coming on.

Other news - car is broken, may be fixable or may have to look at a replacement.

Tonight I will be finalising details with the other lads regarding Saturdays fell outing.

Tomorrow will probably not run - unless it's too wet to work in the garden in the evening in which case I might run a steady 6 or 7 miler.

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