1 mile - 5:50
1 mile - 5:30
2miles (running 2mins hard 1 min stationary recovery) - 9:58
Very happy indeed with tonight's session. Running faster like this will make me a faster runner. Seems an obvious thing to say but its a fundamental point in a training program that can easily be forgotten.
The first mile was more uphill than down, it was also headwind and I wasn't particularly well warmed up, so 5:50 is not a bad time at all. The second mile was still headwind (not strong) but more or less flat. I was surprised to run 5:30 as I wasn't really 'going for it' because it was the ensuing 2 miles that I really wanted to run as hard as I could.
Five 2 minute bursts with 1 minute stationary recoveries (stationary meaning I restart where I got to in the 2 minutes - rather than jogging or walking further on, but I do move around a bit - it's not a game of statues). As with the 3 mile session last Thursday this gives a time for the 2 miles. I knew I would run a fast time as long as I could maintain the effort in the fourth and fifth reps. They were the ones that proved really tough, as, just as expected, I was operating way way beyond my comfort zone. The one minute recovery seemed ridiculously short by the time I had covered the first mile back, but conversely, by the time I was properly into each effort they soon seemed to be over with too. With about a minute to go I realised I may well go under the magic 10 minute barrier and am utterly delighted to have ran 4:59 pace for the two miles. OK it featured 4 separate rests of 60 seconds but nevertheless it's a step in the right direction. I did once run a mile non stop inside 5 minutes. I probably never will again but it's nice to get a result starting with a number 4.
Thursday needs to be another hard session but at at a different pace to tonight so i'm thinking of doing 5 miles in 30 minutes. Or ideally in 29mins 59 seconds.
Yesterday (Monday) was a very short jog with Scamp - scarcely 4 miles - but it keeps me in the routine of running 6 days per week.
Sunday was an awful day for running. It was red hot, around 24 degrees C. After putting it off in the hope of rain I finally ventured onto my 13 mile road circuit. The first eight miles were good - sub 6:30 minute miling without trying and not too troubled by the heat. Unfortunately I forgot to collect a bottle of water I had placed near the 10 mile point. I had past it by 150 metres when I remembered but couldn't be bothered to turn around as I felt OK and 'only' had 3 miles to go. BIG MISTAKE INDI'. Those final couple of miles were sheer hell. I don't ever recall being so pleased to stop running as I was when I crossed my 'finish line'. 1hr 26m 15s is something like 6:37 per mile, so I lost a lot of time in those final miles, despite being overall downhill.

No pertinant images with regard to todays post so this gives me a chance to go off topic and give some publicity to my brother Jason - taken on the way off Fairfield last Christmas time.
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