Nothing too long or arduous for this week- a three mile circuit covered in 5 intervals of 3 mins with 90 sec recoveries. The recovery is stationary so the next rep begins where the previous one finished. This gives a time for the three miles and my time tonight was 16minutes 13 seconds. My best time for this is 15:09 so I'm currently about 20 seconds per mile slower than my best ever fitness (of 2002-04). I would hope to soon pick up 5 to 10 seconds per mile though, given that tonight was my first run inside 6min/miling since the marathon (and I also still had a minor lingering legacy of leg soreness from Sunday)
Additionally tonight, I ran to the local takeaway to collect my tea. I'm not sure I can count this as part of my training though. I would usually walk or drive but I didnt have a vehicle to go in and it was quite cold and threatening rain so I thought jogging (in very worn trainers, jeans and a thick jumper) would be a good idea. To be honest it was a damn fine idea as it kept me warm on the way there and meant I got to eat my tea much sooner than if I had walked back.
I have now ran EVERY DAY for a full week - that Ron Hill bloke better watch out.
And finally, todays photo.
The Staten Island Ferry. Which offers free travel between Manhatten and Staten Island
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